Amidst the first snowflakes and in a picturesque mountain setting, a house in the village of Ledići on Bjelašnica was officially opened, intended for children from the Home for children without parental care in Sarajevo, as well as for children from at-risk families and those reintegrated into kinship, biological, and foster families.
This house, built in 1922, has been provided to the Home’s beneficiaries for use by the proBITRA Foundation for a period of 99 years. Before the handover, the house underwent partial renovation, while Second Foundation, in cooperation with the Home, ensured its furnishing and infrastructural improvement to make it ready to welcome children.
The inauguration was attended by distinguished guests, including Julian Reilly, the British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose government donated significant funds for the house’s furnishing, as well as representatives of relevant ministries and social welfare institutions.
“I am delighted that our embassy was able to support this important project and send a strong message of community and unity. We always emphasize the importance of young people, saying the future is in their hands. Precisely because of this great responsibility, we must do everything we can to help them reach their full potential. The United Kingdom strives to achieve this through all our projects and engagement in this country, and we will continue to do so,” stated Ambassador Julian Reilly.
In addition to the UK Government, donors to this project included Thermoflux, KNAUF, KNAUF Insulation, LUK, HIFA Oil, Senigor, Bijela tehnika, Standard, and ZART. The project was further supported by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy through its non-institutional care program.
“This house is not just a place for accommodation and rehabilitation; it is a symbol of hope and the possibility of a new, different life. Here, children will not only enjoy the warmth of a home but also grow through educational and recreational activities in nature. This is the result of the collective effort of all our donors and partners, for which we are immensely grateful,” emphasized Belma Mujezinović, Director of the Second Foundation.
In addition to the Home's residents, the house will be used for programs and activities that enable children from vulnerable social categories to spend quality time in a natural environment. Planned activities include educational workshops, nature stays, and recreational programs set to begin in December of this year.
The Director of the Home for children without parental care in Sarajevo, Muhamed Musić, highlighted the exceptional importance of the Ledići house for the children’s well-being:
“This project represents a significant step forward in providing better conditions for our children. The house in Ledići is not just a place to stay but a space for creating precious memories and offering experiences that foster their emotional, social, and intellectual development. We sincerely thank all partners for their selfless contributions. We hope for continued support in the next phases, including installing a fence and landscaping the yard, which we plan for spring.”
This project symbolizes the continuation of three years of successful cooperation between Second Foundation and the Home for children without parental care in Sarajevo. Nestled in the heart of Bjelašnica’s mountainous nature, the house in Ledići becomes not only a safe haven but also a space of inspiration, development, and community for children in need of the greatest support.