
In a heartfelt expression of gratitude, the Foundation "Second" extends its deepest appreciation to the generous community of donors whose extraordinary support has become a beacon of positive change. The collective donation of 75.000 KM (38.300 EUR) in 2023 is more than just a financial contribution; it represents a shared commitment to making a meaningful impact on the world.

"This substantial support serves as a testament to the belief in the foundation's mission, acting as a daily inspiration for the entire team. With the backing of these dedicated donors, the foundation can forge ahead with transformative projects that have a direct and lasting effect on countless lives, contributing to the creation of a better world for us all.

To our donors, we express gratitude for being the architects of positive change. Your belief in our mission and the tangible support you provide are instrumental in propelling our projects forward. As we embark on this journey together, transparency and accountability remain our top priorities. Rest assured, we are committed to providing regular updates on the progress made possible by your contributions, keeping you informed every step of the way," said Belma Mujezinović, the manager of the Foundation "Second."

As we continue this collective effort, the Second Foundation looks forward to further collaborations and endeavors, all fueled by the shared belief that positive change is possible when a community comes together. Thank you for being an essential part of this transformative journey.