
A single mother of two daughters, who has previously endured a difficult life in a house filled with dampness and mold, has achieved an important victory in her fight for ownership of her home, thanks to the efforts of a lawyer provided by Second Foundation.

This family has been receiving support from Second Foundation for two years, which began through cooperation with the Support service for families and children of the Cantonal public institution "Home for children without parental care Sarajevo." The Foundation has provided assistance in the form of food, hygiene products, heating, household appliances, and covered debts for essential services. Through this program, the Foundation recognized the challenges faced by this mother, particularly her uncertainty regarding the ownership of the property they live in.

As a result, the Foundation engaged a legal expert who took over the representation of the family in the legal dispute over ownership of the house, ensuring their right to a home and enabling the legal resolution of a dispute that had burdened them for years. The Foundation's lawyer worked diligently on the case, filing appeals and representing the family in court, which led to a favorable first-instance judgment.

This success provides new hope for the family, who had previously lived in difficult conditions, as the dampness in the house had compromised the health of the youngest members, particularly the baby. The Second Foundation provided a temporary solution over the past year with a dehumidifier, but a long-term solution depends on renovating the house, which will now be possible thanks to the favorable ruling.

The first-instance ruling not only brings relief to the mother and her daughters, but also opens the door for the Second Foundation to, with the support of donors, initiate a fundraising campaign for the necessary renovation of the property. This ruling marks a step forward towards stability and security for the family, enabling them to focus on restoring their home, where they will finally be able to live in healthy and dignified conditions.