
Second Foundation proudly awarded the first scholarships of this school year to two Roma brothers, who, along with another brother and two sisters, live in a small family home in Blagovac. These children, without parental care, found refuge in this alternative care institution, which provides them not only with accommodation but also with opportunities for personal development, quality education, and guidance according to their talents and interests.

The small family home in Blagovac is a specific form of residential social protection service within the Cantonal Public Institution "Home for children without parental care", based on the principles of warmth and closeness of a family environment. Unlike larger institutions, small homes allow children greater social and emotional connection, a better chance to acquire life skills, and a sense of responsibility through active participation in daily tasks and obligations. This approach contributes to the creation of a secure environment where children can develop similarly to their peers who live in biological families. The goal is for these children to grow up into healthy and independent individuals, integrated into the local community, with full support and care.

The two brothers who received scholarships from the Second Foundation particularly stand out with their school performance, exemplary behavior, and active participation in sports activities. Their dedication to learning and development is especially significant, given the challenges they face as children without parental care. The scholarships, amounting to 25 EUR per month, will greatly assist in covering their needs outside the institution.

Belma Mujezinović, Director of Second Foundation, emphasized the importance of such initiatives: "Through awarding these scholarships, we aim to support children who are the most vulnerable in our society. Their success in school and sports demonstrates that, with the right support and opportunity, these children can achieve great things. Our foundation believes in equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their past or the circumstances in which they grew up. We invite other donors to join us because every contribution makes a difference in the lives of these young people."

Second Foundation calls on all potential donors to join this initiative and help the children from the vulnerable groups in society. Every scholarship or donation contributes to creating better conditions for their development, enabling them to achieve their goals and feel equal and accepted in society.