
At the initiative of the "Second" Foundation and the Support service for families and children of the Cantonal public institution "Home for children without parental care Sarajevo", the Municipality of Novi Grad allocated a 77 m² social apartment to the family of a disabled war veteran, whose previous landlord suddenly terminated their lease. Given that the family is at risk of separation, urgent assistance is needed to prevent the children from being placed into an alternative care institution.

Unfortunately, the disabled war veteran, who was wounded three times, carried shrapnel in his body, and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, did not live to see the handover of the apartment. He passed away just over a month ago due to complications from metastatic liver cancer. His last wish was to secure a home for his family.

He is survived by his wife and two minor sons, as well as two nephews he took in after they spent some time in the Home for children without parental care.

“The priority of the Novi Grad social protection service and the Support service for families and children is to keep the family together, especially in such difficult times. This family, already burdened by the loss of a husband and father, faces the risk of the children being separated, which would further complicate their situation. We are working together to ensure they have a safe home and to prevent any further trauma,” stated Amina Pohara, head of the Support service for families and children.

The "Second" Foundation has taken on the responsibility of renovating and furnishing the apartment, as the family must leave their current accommodation by the end of the month. Of their belongings, they only have a new stove and refrigerator, which the Foundation donated to them before Eid al-Adha.

“This family is going through extremely difficult times. Our mission, with the support of kind-hearted people, is to provide them with a dignified home and allow them to face the future with more hope. I would especially like to thank Mayor Semir Efendić, Assistant Mayor Alen Zorlak, and Ms. Hajrija Gljiva from the Urban planning, housing, and property-legal affairs department of the Municipality of Novi Grad, first and foremost for their humanity and compassion, and then for recognizing the urgent need to help this family,” said Belma Mujezinović, director of the "Second" Foundation.


If you would like to help with the renovation and furnishing of the apartment, you can make a donation to the "Second" Foundation's account with the note "Mobile Team: Family 5". Every contribution is of great importance and brings us closer to achieving this wonderful goal.

BAM: 1413115320025053


EUR/USD IBAN: BA391413115310005729, SWIFT: BBIBBA22XXX, Bosna Bank International DD Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Additionally, donations can be made through PayPal at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling the unique humanitarian number for all telecom operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 17077, where you can donate 2 KM for this selfless cause.

We thank everyone who has already supported this noble initiative.