
Our 18-year-old girl has successfully begun living independently, thanks to the support and help of many people who joined the aid effort over the past month, following the first appeal from the "Second" Foundation. She has left the Cantonal Public Institution "Home for Children without Parental Care Sarajevo," where the staff took care of her for six years.

At the beginning of the month, she moved into a new 60-square-meter apartment, which was provided to her by the Novi Grad Social Protection Service for a rent of 100 EUR, covered by the Association for the next six months. The "Second" Foundation covered the costs of preparing the apartment for normal living, including painting, electricity connection, payment of debts, utilities, and food. Children, educators, and staff from the Home helped her with painting, cleaning the apartment, and moving from the Small Family Home in Marijin Dvor, where she had shared accommodation with five other children without parental care in recent years. These small family homes, which operate within the Home for Children without Parental Care Sarajevo, are part of the institution's transformation project. They are integrated into the local community and mirror family life.

Since this girl completed a four-year high school program in tailoring, during which she interned at the Kaftan Studio on the initiative of the "Second" Foundation, she started working at the Zart company at the beginning of the month, striving to justify the trust placed in her. Her diligence, precision, and attention to detail have not gone unnoticed. This young girl not only possesses technical skills but also a passion for tailoring, making her a valuable team member.

The aid effort for this girl, who lost her father, the last member of her family who supported her, four months ago, was carried out by the "Second" Foundation in cooperation with the Family and Child Support Service of the Cantonal Public Institution "Home for Children without Parental Care Sarajevo."

"This girl has shown strength and determination. Our role was to provide her with the necessary support and resources to successfully start living independently. We are very proud of her and everyone who participated in this effort," said Amina Pohara, Head of the Family and Child Support Service.

Belma Mujezinović, Director of the "Second" Foundation, added: "This case is an example of how important it is to help young people transition to independent living through collective efforts. We thank everyone who contributed to her new beginning."

Our 18-year-old now has the opportunity to build her life thanks to the selfless help and support of many kind-hearted people. This story is a reminder of the importance of collective efforts in supporting young people on their path to independence.