The "Second" Foundation delighted five children with developmental disabilities from the Small Family Home in Kovačići, Sarajevo, by donating summer clothes based on the wishes and choices of their caregivers from the Cantonal Public Institution "Home for Children without Parental Care Sarajevo."
The 80-square-meter apartment serves as the fourth Small Family Home, providing 24-hour care for children without parental care who are in social need. Small Family Homes, as a residential social protection service, represent the smallest accommodation units that allow for better social and emotional bonding compared to large institutions where children are placed according to age. In addition to this one, there are three small family homes in the municipalities of Vogošća, Ilidža, and Centar.
The goal of these homes is for children, with comprehensive support, to grow up in the local community like most of their peers. The beneficiaries of Small Family Homes are children for whom, for justified reasons, family forms of care, return to the biological family, or relatives cannot be provided. This category also includes children who have stayed in the Reception Center for Children and for whom a family form of protection has not been secured, as well as siblings who, due to their number and the principle of not separating biological relatives, need the service of a small family home.
"We thank our regular donors who enable us to bring joy to children with developmental disabilities when an unexpected need arises," said the director of the "Second" Foundation, Belma Mujezinović.