Foundation Second continues to transform the lives of families in difficult circumstances. This time, help arrived for a single mother of two daughters who has been facing harsh living conditions for years. Their home, filled with dampness and mold, posed a serious threat to the family’s health, particularly to the youngest members.
The mother, who has bravely fought for her children’s safety, recently achieved an important victory in a legal battle for ownership of her house, thanks to the lawyer provided Foundation Second. This ruling has brought security to the family and enabled future plans for renovating the house to significantly improve their living conditions.
To provide immediate relief, Foundation Second supplied the family with a corner sofa and a convector. These items are not only practical but also bring warmth and comfort to their daily lives, making their home a more pleasant place for the daughters to grow up in.
The Foundation has been supporting this family for two years through its collaboration with the Family and child support service of the Cantonal public institution Home for children without parental care in Sarajevo. During this period, they provided diverse assistance, including food, hygiene products, firewood, household appliances, and covering debts for basic utilities.
The initial court ruling in favor of the mother marked a turning point, and the Foundation has already announced plans to launch a fundraising campaign to renovate the house. This step toward restoring the home is crucial for ensuring a healthy and dignified environment for the children to grow up in.
Once again, Foundation Second demonstrates how collective solidarity and support can transform lives, bringing hope and security to families facing challenges.